Digital Transformation is the culmination of more than fifty years of technical advancement in IT. Beginning in earnest in the 1960s and 1970s, computing and telecommunications technology started a wild ride, with capabilities growing exponentially. And these capabilities provided extreme benefits to perform business tasks better, faster, and cheaper. Technology was used to streamline and augment existing business models, but, for the most part, the business models did not change.
With the advent of advanced computing and communications infrastructure such as the cloud and software-defined networks, businesses now have the opportunity for a radical shift. Rather than looking to new technology to support existing processes, it's time to rethink fundamental business models from the ground up with the assumption that technology is available and ready to be implemented to support whatever revolutionary modes are imagined. That's Digital Transformation - enabling Business Transformation.
While Digital Transformation has become one of the hottest topics in the IT industry, it is also somewhat nebulous and thus runs the risk of being marketed as all things to all people. The purpose of this study is to find out what the story is behind the hype. What are companies actually doing to implement Digital Transformation strategies and how important are these initiatives? Access this resource...
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