Network World Fusion

Some of Network World Fusion's Newsletters are of particular interest to Webtorials.Com members.

bullet Wide Area Networking
bullet Formerly the Frame Relay newsletter, Wide Area Networking has been expanded to include other WAN services and equipment. Noted telecommunications experts Steven Taylor, President of Distributed Networking Associates, and Joanie Wexler, an independent technology editor, will keep you up to date on MPLS, metro Ethernet and hybrid technologies - as well as frame relay.
bullet Convergence
bullet Everyone is talking about the convergence of voice and data onto the same infrastructure. Each week, Steve Taylor & Larry Hettick talk about the latest convergence news and the technologies that can help make convergence happen, such as QoS, MPLS, DiffServ, IEEE 802.1p and others.
bullet Wireless in the Enterprise
bullet Wireless technology finally seems to be hitting its stride. Independent Technology Editor Joanie Wexler will bring you the latest info about how enterprises can take advantage of wireless LANs and WANs.

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