Network Security Basics
by Steven Taylor and Larry Hettick




Company information is as valuable a company asset as money in the bank. In fact, some information can be even more valuable than cash. So protecting the company’s information with appropriate security is critical to business success. This backgrounder will provide a basic introduction to data and network security; however, it is only intended as an introductory primer so business owners and managers can begin to understand the complexity of managing security.


Security exists on many layers. Network security considerations begin with (but are not limited to) a range of considerations including:



how company office facilities are selected and maintained,


how potential employees are screened,


the remote access policy to the company’s systems and information, and


what kind of encryption and firewalls are provided in the corporate network.


Best-practice security isn’t just good business - in some cases, it’s also the law. And the legal requirements are different for specific industries and between different jurisdictions. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets requirements for patient privacy in the United States. In California, privacy laws prohibit financial institutions from sharing personal financial information with unaffiliated third party partners without the consumer’s consent. And in Europe, privacy laws protect certain employee information—even to the point where inappropriately sharing an employee’s name and location in a company directory can be considered a violation.


So when considering security, it is important to consider business policy and practices, legal requirements, and technology. This technology backgrounder will introduce some of the technical aspects to consider in network security, with a particular focus on network security for small and medium-sized business.



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Related Presentation: Network Security Fundamentals


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About the Authors:


Steven Taylor is president of Distributed Networking Associates and publisher/editor-in-chief of Webtorials.


Larry Hettick is Vice President, Wireline Solutions at Current Analysis.



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